Can raw fruits and vegetables really improve health?
There was a time when I would have said “I doubt it”— but that was before I tried whole food nutrition.
When I was ill and suffering from ulcerative colitis, I was not able to eat raw fruits and vegetables. The fiber from the raw fruits and vegetable would rub against my ulcers and make them bleed terribly. So I just avoided them and if the truth be told, I was just fine with that. I actually did not care for raw fruits and vegetables. Maybe a banana or apple here and there, but a consistent diet of these crunchy critters was not my cup of tea. Besides, I never bought into the whole fruits and vegetables hype and I was convinced that I could be healthy on cooked and processed foods.
It was not until I was going to have my lower colon surgically removed that friends mentioned whole food nutrition to me. It was a couple who watched me suffer for six years.
“We don’t sell it,” they said “but we know a person who does.”
I was not excited to try another natural product that was going to let me down. In fact, it took me several weeks to finally start taking it and even then, I reluctantly tried the product. I did not know much about whole food nutrition and actually found myself asking “what could a couple of capsules filled with fruit and vegetable powder do for me that doctors haven’t been able to do?”
Boy was I in for a surprise! I started the whole food nutrition at half the recommended dose (due to my sensitive colon) and in 2 weeks the internal bleeding of my lower colon was dramatically reduced to almost nothing. In another week or two my bleeding stopped completely! I was amazed and really could not believe it! Today I still have my colon thanks to whole food nutrition. Since taking whole food nutrition, I have heard of so many others who tell me what simple whole food supplement has done for their health.
If we are honest with ourselves, very few of us eat the recommended 7 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Whole food supplementation is the perfect solution to bridge the gap. I personally know of people who have had their cholesterol drop to normal range, PMS symptoms greatly reduced or gone, arthritis pains gone, body aches diminish and frequent colds and flu symptoms a thing of the past after taking whole food supplements faithfully.
Our bodies require good nutrition and it is amazing what happens when we listen and give in. Experts agree on one thing; that is, we should all be consuming more fruits and vegetables. Contact our office to learn more about whole food supplementation.
To your great health,
Pamala Kay Schwarz
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
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