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NAET Frequently Asked Questions

Can Allergies Really Be Eliminated?

What exactly is NAET?

NAET is a safe and effective technique in detecting and eliminating or desensitizing all types of allergies. NAET combines Kinesiology (Muscle Responsive Testing), Chiropractic and Oriental Medicine to clear allergic reactions through a reprogramming of the brain.

Our brains have a natural built-in subconscious function controlling the immune system, which has the potential of keeping us allergy free. What has been developed is a technique that consciously focuses the brain on a single allergen while clearing the blocked energy formerly associated with that allergen. This technique can successfully desensitize the body in order to achieve an allergy-free state.

NAET is non-invasive and painless.  A revolutionary treatment that is gentle and effective.

How does it work?
Research has shown that when major allergies are eliminated and the immune system is strengthened, the body resumes normal healing and homeostasis. The basic idea is that we have cellular memory. Our allergies are actually physical manifestations of a memory of being sensitive to something. When we neutralize that memory, per se, we actually clear an allergy. By stimulating the spinal nerves and other specific acupuncture points, in the presence of an allergen, we are desensitizing our bodies and minds to this said allergen. It sounds confusing, but it's really quite simple.

How do you know what allergens to test?
Muscle testing tells us which allergens are weak. We go through a systematic muscle test to determine what needs to be treated at the beginning, and after we've cleared basic items.

Which allergens do you address first?
Basic items, including: egg mix, calcium, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, sugar, vitamin A, iron, salt, minerals, artificial sweeteners, corn, grain, coffee, chocolate, caffeine, spices etc.

Do you address allergens in any particular order?
Yes, the basics ALWAYS are treated first, after which we can jump around to treat more severe allergies. By treating basics first, the body gets an overall immune boost, and is then able to handle the more difficult allergy clearings.

How many visits does it take to go through the basic items?
It could take awhile. It depends on the individual picture. I have patients who are so full of an energy they have never known by the time we get through about 6 treatments. We can treat as often as twice a day, or as infrequently as once a month, depending on how fast you want to see results and your bodies ability to handle the treatments.

How is the allergen used?
The patient holds the allergen in their hand, and the clearing is done by activating the spinal nerves, in the presence of the allergen, thereby de-sensitizing the patient to the allergen.

By holding the allergen, the patient's sensory nerves in the fingertips are sending a message to the brain as to the sensitivity of this item. This is how the muscle test works in testing for the allergens.

How is the allergen held?
In the hand, with fingers wrapped around it, “it” being the allergen. Generally the allergens are in little glass vials, but can also be any item placed inside a baby food jar. It must be a glass container, and the glass must be lead-free so that the energetic frequency of whatever is being tested can freely move through the glass.

How does the body know what is in the container? Does the patient know in advance what allergen is in the container?
The patient doesn't need to know the allergen in advance. The basic idea behind the muscle test are these two concepts:

  1. Everything in the universe has its own electro-magnetic field.

  2. We have sensory neurons in our fingertips.

The sensory neurons in our fingertips are able to "read" the energetic field of the items we touch. Our brain is so amazing that it knows immediately based on the message received by the sensory neurons in our fingertips, whether or not our body/mind/soul's electro-magnetic field (EMF) resonates with the EMF of the allergen we are holding.

As soon as the brain gets this message from the neurons, it sends out a message to the muscles, also known as a reaction or manifestation. This could be seen in the form of a cough, sinusitis, hay fever, itchy eyes, migraine headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, insomnia, lethargy, muscle ache, palpitations, anxiety or whatever.

Basically, a patient either reacts strongly or weakly. We can test this by doing a muscle test to determine if the patient is strong or weak in the presence of any given allergen.

How do you know if an allergen has been neutralized?
We muscle test to determine if an allergen has been cleared. Muscle testing happens within 24 hours to 7 days after a treatment to check if the allergen has been cleared.

How many allergens do you address in each visit?
One allergen per visit, unless doing combination treatments, which is further down the road of allergy clearing. Also, some allergens are treated together. For example, vitamin A can be treated with fish and shellfish. Yogurt, yeast and whey can all be treated together. Salt and chlorides are another combination that is treated together.

Do you use acupuncture or acupressure?
I use acupressure, some practitioners do use acupuncture.  Most doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths and dentists are all using NAET without acupuncture. 

How expensive is each visit?
Please call for the price for a consultation. An initial consultation includes health assessment, first treatment and computerized food stress assessment (checks your body’s reaction to 394 different foods). Visits are usually scheduled once a week, but can be scheduled as far apart as once a month.

Does medical insurance cover NAET?
Unfortunately not right now.

Do you recommend vitamins, supplements or herbs?
Only after the allergies have been cleared, so the body can actually assimilate them into the system. People who have a lot of vitamin and nutritional deficiencies basically have these problems because they have been unable to assimilate these vitamins and basic nutrients into their bodies because of their sensitivities to these items. Once the body is desensitized, not only are they able to get the good from food, they are also no longer having adverse reactions to foods and the environment. The body is now in harmony.

Do you also treat sensitivities and intolerances?
Yes, definitely. I've treated wheat intolerance in a patient, who after ate wheat—with no reaction.

Do you treat chemical sensitivities?

Which chemicals do you treat first?
Whatever comes up in the muscle test, but generally we'll treat anything from the basic chemical mix to plastics and pesticides, first. The trick about treating chemical sensitivities is that chemicals are constantly changing, so to stay current in treating chemicals you really need to be in on the manufacture of the new chemicals. It's very tricky.

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